KABA-GA Charity Drive for 
Wheat Mission in Atlanta (2019)

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Wheat Mission in Atlanta Holiday Donation


To honor KABA's Past President Han C. Choi and his endless passion to nurture and elevate law students and young lawyers in the legal profession, kABA-GA will be establishing a scholarship fund in his name. 

Formerly a Managing Partner at Ballard Spahr, Han Choi was the first APA Managing Partner of a BigLaw Firm in Atlanta. 

The Scholarship will benefit deserving Asian Pacific American 1L or 2L law student candidates attending school in Georgia, who exhibit academic excellence, leadership, volunteerism, mentorship experience, and demonstrate an interest in APA issues. 

Special consideration will also be given to applicants who have been adversely affected by cancer (as a survivor, or family member of a victim or survivor). 

To contribute to this effort, KABA-GA invites its members and non-members to make individual donation to the scholarship. 

Our goal is to raise $2,500 by the end of 2019.








Alternatively, checks may be sent payable to the “Korean American Bar Association of Georgia” with “Han C. Choi Scholarship Fund” noted on the memo section, and mailed to our Treasurer, Paul Nam:

Paul Nam

KABA-GA Treasurer 2019

2302 Druid Hills Reserve Dr., NE

Atlanta, GA 30329

Email: treasurer@kabaga.org

KABA-GA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

Registered address for Correspondence: KABA-GA, c/o June Lee, Nelson Mullins, 201 17th Street NW, #1700, Atlanta, GA 30349

Membership Dues  | Payments: If you are not paying online and are mailing a CHECK, please see our CONTACTS PAGE

All other inquiries: communications@kabaga.org

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