Sunday, July 28, 4 - 7 PM
Korean American Association of Greater Atlanta (KAAGA) Community Center 5900 Brook Hollow Pkwy., Norcross, GA 30071
Presented by KABA-GA, the Korean American Association of Greater Atlanta, and
The Consulate General of Republic of Korea
This event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
$500 and $250 levels
애틀랜타 한인회, 주 애틀랜타 총영사관 그리고 조지아 한인 변호사협회 공동 주최로 제 3회 애틀랜타 동포를 위한 법률 세미나를 개최합니다.
The Seminar will provide basic legal information for small business owners, touching on labor & employment issues, premises & general liability issues, and things to know when buying & selling businesses. We hope to garner interest from mom-and-pop stores that many KoAms operate. Our speakers are:
DISCLAIMER: The information presented in these presentations including brochure, articles, and materials is not intended to substitute for professional legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. Therefore, you should not act or rely upon the information provided in these presentations without seeking the advice of an attorney. You should accept legal advice only from a licensed legal professional with whom you have an attorney-client relationship.
* KABA 세미나에서 설명해 드리는 내용이나 나눠드리는 자료는 특정 사건에 대한 법적 조언이 아니므로 저희와 세미나 참석자와는 변호사와 의뢰인의 관계(Attorney-Client Relationship)가 성립되지 않음을 알려 드립니다. 변호사의 조언 없이 저희가 세미나에서 드리는 정보만으로 어떤 판단을 하시면 안 되며, 법률 조언이 필요하신 경우 반드시 변호사 면허를 가진 법률전문가와 상의 하셔야 합니다.
KABA-GA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
Registered address for Correspondence: KABA-GA, c/o June Lee, Nelson Mullins, 201 17th Street NW, #1700, Atlanta, GA 30349
Membership Dues | Payments: If you are not paying online and are mailing a CHECK, please see our CONTACTS PAGE
All other inquiries: communications@kabaga.org